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Beijing authors share Chinese literature in London

(chinadaily.com.cn) |Updated : 2023-10-26

The event "Writing China – Roundtable with Five Renowned Chinese Authors" was held at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Britain, on Oct 22nd.

Li Liyan, minister counselor for cultural affairs at China's embassy in London, Tian Peng, first-level inspector of Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Alan Cummings, head of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London), representatives of the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles including authors such as Li Er, Xu Zechen, Qiao Ye, Zhou Xiaofeng and Zhou Min, British Sinologist Jack Hargreaves, as well as local readers attended the event.

Li Liyan said that both China and the UK boast rich literary traditions, profound histories, and vibrant cultures. Literature plays an essential role in deepening cultural exchanges and fostering mutual understanding between the two nations. He hoped that more outstanding literary works by Chinese authors would be shared abroad, allowing foreign readers to gain a better understanding and insight into China.

The five authors Li Er, Xu Zechen, Qiao Ye, Zhou Xiaofeng and Zhou Min shared their experiences and insights regarding writing, publishing and translation.

Jack Hargreaves shared his insights into how the English-speaking market perceives Chinese literature and expressed his optimism about the future of Chinese literary translation.

The roundtable was hosted by the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and co-organized by the China National Publications Import and Export (Group) Corp, the Beijing Lao She Literature Academy, and the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London.